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Showing posts from July, 2022

Git - How to drop a commit in history?

Back after a while with another git magic. We already have seen how to get rid of the top most commit in this article ->  Git magic - Make commits disappear First of all, it's one of the not so recommended way of doing it and more than that, it can only get rid of sequential commits from latest. I recently happened to get into a scenario where I had to drop a commit in the history by keeping the latest ones. As part of that exploration, presenting you this article. /**  *  @disclaimer  * Please read this post fully before executing any command. My scenario might not be same as yours. */ To my greatest surprise, I didn't know a git rebase could do this. Please continue to read to know how. The steps are simple, Count until the commit line you need to drop using git log Do an interactive rebase and you're done.  Let me explain step by step. 1. Look at the commit log & count commits This is the first step. First let's list the commits using the following command,